For the past few weeks, some friends and I have been attending one of the local trivia nights at a downtown bar, the Banshee. With topics as varied as Caddy Shack, Prisons, Native Americans, and Charlie Sheen, it's no wonder we haven't snagged a win just yet. The group of individuals has changed from week to week and sometimes it's been beneficial to the team, other times not so much. But we're having a good time, we've at least placed (3rd place, that is) almost every time. Not too shabby, if I say so myself.
Plus, we've had some pretty bitchin' team names. We've been Team Snatch, The 12" Rough-Ins, and Chubby Horse. The last two are work-related jokes. You don't believe me with the Chubby Horse one, do you? Well, just follow this link and you shall find one of the most ridiculous items my company sells. GLORIOUS.
In any case, what I have enjoyed more than anything else is the opportunity to go out, have a few beers, and spend some time with friends just having a great time and guessing at all kinds of random-ass questions. It doesn't get much better than that!