So, instead of waxing long about what V-Day means to me, I figured it would be more fun to write about things I like. Because when it comes down to it, V-Day is really just a day to celebrate someone you really care about. So why not make it a day to celebrate the things I care about instead?
- Receiving actual letters in the mail
- Sending things in the mail (part of this for me is that I get a sense of pride from it as well, since I'm a notorious procrastinator when sending things by post)
- Working on projects that I legitimately care about
- Travelling
- Seeing friends and family that are far away
- Watching ridiculous movies
- Reading a good book that actively engages me
- Watching thought-provoking movies
- Discovering a new TV series that I turn out to like so much that I only watch it until I make it through all the existing episodes
- A nice cup of tea
- A nice gaiwan of tea (see what I did there?)
- Travelling (yeah, this gets a double feature)
- Enjoying a decent cigar with great company
- A cold beer
- A pint of cider in the local pub
- Bulmers cider in the local pub
- Going out dancing and just not caring what anyone thinks
- Going out dancing and not having a single drop of alcohol, yet still not caring what anyone thinks
- Sharing my personal interests with others
- Teaching friends, family, and strangers about topics dear to my heart
- Sleeping in (for me this means 8am)
- Trying something new
- Going on solo road trips
- Exploring new places
- Meeting new people
- Indulging in a pint with good company at the end of a long day
- That butterfly feeling you get in your stomach when you first begin to "crush" on someone and they're around
- Completing a task I've been working on for a while
I'll leave it at this for now! But I definitely could go on listing things I like for a very long time!